Good morning everyone. Today is a blog candy time. Yes, my blog will be in it's 2nd anniversary soon. I can't believe I can keep my blog for that long. Funny thing is that I was never prepared to start a blog at the first place. Due to the inspiration of other bloggers, I started my very first post 2 years ago. From blogging, I get to know many wonderful fellow crafters. Thank you for the supports and inspirations for the past years.
(1) To be a follower of this blog
(2) Copy & paste the following blog candy picture on your blog, facebook or twitter and spread the candy news
(3) Link your entry down at the bottom of "inlinkz".
This blog candy is open until May 14th midnight and one winner will be drawn randomly. To get a chance to win this blog candy and here is how:(1) To be a follower of this blog
(2) Copy & paste the following blog candy picture on your blog, facebook or twitter and spread the candy news
(3) Link your entry down at the bottom of "inlinkz".

Here all what you will get from this blog candy
Spellbinders - Pendants In Spades
Spellbinders - Flourish Accent
Cuttlebug Embossing Folder - Snowflakes
Cuttlebug Embossing Folder - Moroccan Screen
Cuttlebug Embossing Folders - Princess
Your Next Stamp - Skating Fun Fhiona Set
Your Next Stamp - Kite Flying Fhiona Set
Magnolia Stamp - Pilot Edwin
Magnolia Stamp - Tilda with Christmas Ribbon
Magnolia Stamp - Tilda in a Hurry
La-La Land Crafts - Wizard Maya
American Traditions Designs - Mini Playtime Rub-ons
Making Memories - Metal Signage - Love
Spare Parts - Round Fabric Brads
Spare Parts - Crown Resin Stickers
KI Memories - Personality Ice Dots
Queen & Co - Self-Adhesive Felt Frenzy
Colorbok - Angel Metal Gift Tag
Various flowers
Spellbinders - Flourish Accent
Cuttlebug Embossing Folder - Snowflakes
Cuttlebug Embossing Folder - Moroccan Screen
Cuttlebug Embossing Folders - Princess
Your Next Stamp - Skating Fun Fhiona Set
Your Next Stamp - Kite Flying Fhiona Set
Magnolia Stamp - Pilot Edwin
Magnolia Stamp - Tilda with Christmas Ribbon
Magnolia Stamp - Tilda in a Hurry
La-La Land Crafts - Wizard Maya
American Traditions Designs - Mini Playtime Rub-ons
Making Memories - Metal Signage - Love
Spare Parts - Round Fabric Brads
Spare Parts - Crown Resin Stickers
KI Memories - Personality Ice Dots
Queen & Co - Self-Adhesive Felt Frenzy
Colorbok - Angel Metal Gift Tag
Various flowers
This blog candy will be closed on May 14, 2011 midnight and winner will be announced within a week after closing date. Good luck to you all.
This collection has been deleted by its author
powered by inlinkz

Hi, I posted your candy in my sidebar. What a great candy. Thanks for the chance. X Anita
Happy second blogovesary ^^ !!
congratulations to your 2nd anniversary. Your blog is amazing and your candy, too.. ;-)
Thank you for the chance to win this..
I´m a follower and have post your candy on my sidebar.
Big hugs, Katrin
Happy 2nd blogaversary! Wish you tins of inspiration. :)
Thank you for a candy! I placed link at sidebar:
Happy 2nd blogaversary Cabio! Thank you so much for celebrating it with a candy for us!
Happy blogoversary hun. And thanks sooo much for the chacne to win this awesome candy here. You´re sooo generous. I hope, we´ll be able to follow your blog for many mnany more years to come, as it´s always a joy to come and visit here and watch your stunning creations.
HAve a great week-end and a wonderful anniversary.
Congratulation on your bloganniversary. Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous candy!! Love, Marianne
Wow thanks for the chance to win this fab candy, will link on my sidebar.
Chris x
Congrats on your 2nd yr blogoversary, Cabio! May we enjoy many more years of your creative endeavors!
Hugs, Cami
Hi Cabio!Congrats for the 2hd biogoversary,wish you more lovely creations!
Thanks for the chance ti win this fabulous candy!
congratulations Cabio on your 2nd blogaversary. Hope mine goes for that long.
Hiya and happy blogaversarry, am already a follower and have added your candy to my side bar, hope you get lots more followers too to help you celebrate.
great candy Cabio and Happy Bloganiversary!!
I`m already a follower so I have posted a pic of your candy on my sidebar!!
Happy blogaversary Cabio! I'm going to miss your pretty cards over at Deb's. I'll run post this on my blog...much success to you!
ps: Many thanks for the chance Sweeite!!
Congrats for the 2 years :)
Thanks a lot for the chance!
WOW Your candy is awesome!!! Congratulations on your second year! Thank you so much for a chance to win too!!!
Hugs, Cathy-Lynn
Woo hoo, congrats on two years!! Thank you for the fabulous chance to win your awesome candy, I placed on my sidebar. :D
Congratulations on two years of outstanding cards Cabio!
I simply love your work! You are too generous with the blog candy but we all love it!! THANKS
Hi Cabio, Happy 2nd Blog Anniversary to you!!
Your candy has been featured on Blog Candy Lists
Congrats dear Cabio.
Wish you all the best dear!
Very special candy!
Happy 2nd Blogaversary Cabio! You have inspired all of us to create.
~ Rubber hugs, inky wishes ~
Happy Blogaversary Cabio!!...Your creations and blog are Fabulous. I've been a follower for ages. Thanks for a chance to win your Amazing candy!!...Hugs, Ila
Congrats on your 2nd year blogaversary! You have an amazing blog. Just love to come here and be inspired!! Have a great weekend Cabio!! ;)
happy anniversary Cabio!!!! Thnk you for the chance to win this awesome blog candy and I love your blog and the beautiful creations!!!!
Congrats Cabio for your 2nd anniversary! thank you for being such an inspiration, and sharing your gorgeous creations. Thank you for a chance to win!
Hugs. D.
Congrats Cabio on your blog anniversary! That is surely some time. Gosh, how time flies. I wish you many more crafting years ahead and lots of inspiration!
Your work is magnificent, I'm happy to participate in your blog candy!
Hugs, Iulia
Hi Cabio!
Big congrats on your 2 year blogoversary!!!! WooHoo!!!! Time sure flies when you're having fun!!!
Thanks for celebrating by giving away such delish candy! Awesome, sweetie!
Huggies ~
lovely candy
I posted about in my sidebar's blog
Hi there, I posted your candy on my sidebar and am already a follower. Congrats on your 2nd year!
Happy second blog anyversary.
I have posed your candy in my site bare. Thank you for the oportunity to win!!
Have a nice day.
Amazing giveaway!
Great job done with the blog :D
Congrats on anniversary and wish you to go on doing great job :D
Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary Cabio. Here's wishing you many more happy years of blogging.
Love the candy, would love to own some of that.
Happy Anniversary my first time here I love your site!
Great Job!
Hi Cabio!!!
Congrats on your 2-Blogoversary!
Thanks for the chance to win this awesome candy!
I would like to be the lucky winner :)
Linked it on my blog and I'm your follower :)
Congratulations with your blogoversary! The candy is super, thanks for the chance to win.
Hugs Jacqueline
wow, Cabio, these are amazing blog candies!! Thanks for the chance to win! :-)
Cabio!!!Congratulations on two years of outstanding cards.
Thanks for a chance to win.
Hugs harma
Congraulations on your 2nd anniversary
I would love to win your blog candy, I'm just starting and hope to have a blog soon
hello, I've been tracking and I put my link on it.
nice candy.
Greetings rose.
Oh what a nice candy..congratulations with your 2nd anniversary..and I saw the word angel..and I collect angels..I hope so to winn something...hug Marion
new follower here...find your blog very good and inspiring..
also taking chance to win this candy :)
posted it on my sidebar :)
thanks for chance for winning this tempting candy.. :)
Congrats for ur blogoversary...!! Thanx for giving us a chance to win....m a new follower !
Thank you for the sweet candy, honey!
Lovely Candy will be posting it on my side bar when I have done this, congrats on your 2nd Blogaversary. Janet T
Congrats dear Cabio.
Wish you all the best dear!
Very special candy!
Hugs Janine
Congratulations Cabio! I have been following your blog for a while now and have ben enjoying all of your creations. Thank you for the chance to win this awesome blog candy!
Congrats... Thanks for the chance to win. Lovely blog candy. I'm now a follower
2 years! Time flies, thanks for the chance to win you yummy candy! Beth aka BR-T
Thank you! This is such a great candy (and an awesome Blog).
HI! let's's really a wonderful blog and a fntastic blog candy.
Happy 2nd Anniversary!!! You sure do know how to celebrate! I am keeping everything physically possible crossed for this amazing candy x
thanks hun x leigh x
Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary! Awesome blog and candy - I posted your giveaway on my sidebar! Thanks so much for the chance to win :)
Happy birthday!!
I loved your blog, congratulations!!
I posted your candy in my sidebar, ok?! Larissa
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for the chance to win. I love that die cuts. Yummy candy.
Hugs Nataliya
Congrats on your blogoversary! This is an awesome candy! Thank You for your generosity and the chance to win! I posted this on my blog candy Page & I am a follower.
have posted ur candy in my sidebar,thanks for the chance to win.
Congratulations on two years
Now for the third!
it is impossible not to fall into the temptation to participate in your anniversary
They are precious things
I put it on the side of my blog
Happy Easter
Thanks for a chance to win!
Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing candy!!!!
Fingers crossed..
Hugs, TinaM
Happy Blogaversary!! Thanks for the chance to win such great candy! I have posted on my sidebar!!
Congrats for your blogaversary Cabio!!! I am a new follower of your blog... Thanks a lot for giving me a chance to win your wonderful candy... :)))
lovely candy
I posted about in my sidebar's blog
Congrats on your 2nd year blogaversary! I am now a follower of your blog and have posted your candy in my sidebar,thanks for the chance to winn!
Hugs, Anita
Congrats on year 2! I posted about your candy on my blog.
Smiles Sher
congrats on the success of your blog!! i've got your blog candy on my blog roll!! thanks for the chance to win!@
Congrts, and thank-you so much for sharing and a chance to win. I'm a new follower. I posted your candy on my blog (
Hugs ~ Jacqueline
Congratulations on your 2nd anniversary. I posted you candy on my sidebar:)
thanks for a chance, i've linked the candy on my sidebar at,
...keeping my fingers crossed,,, Claudia
Hey winning this candy will be the perfect Birthday Gift for me... thanks for the chance...
Hello Cabio! Congrats on your blog anniversary :)
Congrats on your anniversary, I am a follower of your blog and have posted the give-away on my facebook page!/lsmith5160
Not sure who I'm supposed to do with the link, but posted my facebook link.
I'm already a follower
yesterday was my birthday
I have blog candy you can win
Become a follower today
Rebecca Minor
Congrads on your two year mark Cabio ~ I started my blog just for fun and insperations from other blog sites recently just like you did. When I reach "100 FOLLOWERS" I will do a candy give away too. So come on over to my place. Leanne
Doesn't time just fly by when you're crafting your time away....2 years...congrats.
Thanks for the awesome blog candy...keeping my fingers crossed, so there won't be much crafting going on ;)
Wow.. what a great Candy :)
Greetings from Germany!!
wow Cabio what amazing candy...huge congratulations on your 2nd anniversary and thanks for the chance to win
Mina xxx
Congrats! I was already a follower you do great work! Thanks for a chance to win your great candy.
Happy Anniversary
Great looking candy.
Congrats on your blogaversary! I just became a follower. Thanks for a chance at the great blog candy!
Wowww! That´s a great blog candy!
I posted it in my sidebar!
Kisses from Brazil!
Yeah I finally figured out how to post this to my facebook so I could enter. That is some awesome blog candy. Thanks so much for the chance to win
krazykcrafters at msn dot com
This cute candy. I am already a follower. And posted on the side of my blog.
Wow, this is great, fantastic, congratulations, thank you,
Greets Lia
Congratulations~ I'm a follower and have posted your blog candy on my blog and linked in!
Have a sunny day!
Linda Marino
Wow! So nice of you! Thank you so much for the opportunity to play in your yummy candy. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Congratulation for this fantastic blog candy!!! I'm new follower and your link is on my sidebar!
Congrats!!!! and a fantastic candy on offer..
posted it on my blog. here's the link
What a great Candy, thanks for the chance to win. Love your blog.
Happy 2nd Blogaversary Cabio! Your Blog and your creations are so lovely! Thanks so much for the wonderful candy which could help so many people! I am a follower and linked it on my side bar! Thank you for the chance to participate in these lovely goodies! :D
Congratulations on your 2nd year blogoversary! I really like your candy! Thanks for the chance to win.
Greetings Sofieke
Great Candy! Thanks for the chance to win! I have posted your candy on my side bar at
Lovely candy prize
Congrats for the 2 years :)
Thanks a lot for the chance!
Congratulations!! Your blog candy looks delish:) I added your candy on my sidebar at
congrats, thanks for chance to win
I added your candy on my sidebar
Hola, congratulations to your 2nd anniversary. Your blog is nice, nice
Thank you for the chance to win this..
I´m a follower and have post your candy on my sidebar.
Thanks you
Claudia Gomez
Your candy is simply amazing and I would LOVE to win it! I am now a follower and have posted a pic to my blog at:
Thanks so much!
Happy Anniversary to you and thanks for the chance to win.
Hi! My name is Paula, from the blog like to join your candy, but I'm from Spain, so I don't know if I can..
Even so, I'll post the candy at my blog, and my mail is
Thanks and kisses!!
(PS: Excuse my English..)
First I want to say: Happy 2nd Blogoversary! Work work is Amazing! So inspiring! So glad I found you!
What a loevly stuff!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs Jani
Happy blog-anniversary!!!! Thanks for this chance!
Wow thanks for the chance to win this fab candy.
i am a follower
congrats on your blog!!!
What a fantastic blog candy!
I´m a follower and have posted your candy on my blog:
Greetings from Sweden!
Congratulations on your blog anniversary. It's always lovely to visit and see your creations :)
Congrats for ur blogoversary...!! Thanks for the chance t win this awesome candy!
Thank you, Cabio, for the chance to win some yummy blog candy! Someone is going to be a very lucky gal (I hope it's me, LOL). Happy blogiversary!
Chris Christensen
Hi Cabio !
Congrats on your 2nd year blogaversary ! You have an amazing blog !!
I posted your candy on my sidebar and I'm your follower ;-)
Thanks for the chance to win this awesome candy !
Hugs Gabi/Stempeltruhe
It's taken you a lot of effort to get where you are and congrats on the 2 years and thanks for the chance to win these much needed craft items
Hi Cabio...
Hola, parabéns ao seu segundo aniversário. Seu blog é bom, agradável
Obrigado pela chance de ganhar o presente, sendo que faz aniversário é você.
Eu sou um seguidor e tem pós o seu doce no meu blog.
Flávia Gonçalves
Congrats dear Cabio.
Wish you all the best dear!
Very special candy!
Love Willie
I just found your blog. You have made gorgeous things. I love the shoe you made. Really fantastic.
Love Aartje
Hola, ya me he hecho seguidora y te he lelvado a mi blog:
Un saludo
Oh what a beautifull candy. Thank you for the change to win something
wonderful candy!!! i'm crossing my fingers to get some luck :)
I Know is the last day but i want to participate. My name is Carmen my blog my mail
I put the image in my blog
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