Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Instyle Wednesday Challenge - Flower

Happy mid week everyone. It's only mid-week and I can't wait for the weekend to come. For those of you who work full time, I bet you too, are looking forward for the weekend like me.

Today is the Instyle Wednesday Challenge hosted by Lysa. She would like to challenge you to create a project with "Flower". For more details, please visit the Instyle Challenge blog for rules & prize of this challenge.

The project I created for this one is using the Instyle digital image called "Sunflower". For matching the flower theme, I used some flower shape clips and little paper flowers as my embellishments.

Here is a closer view on the image.

Side view of this card.

Hope you can join us along and make a creation with "Flower(s)" :o)


Riet said...

What a gorgeous card Cabio.

Hugs Riet.xx

Angie Williams said...

Cabio, this is just gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty! It's like the flower is blooming out of the card!

Anny Cheng said...

This card comes in at a suitable time - spring! Thanks for visiting my blog. Anny

Jodie from Oz said...

What a beautiful creation, looks like spring has sprung. Love the colours and gorgeous papers!
Have a wonderful week. Big hugs Jodie from Oz