Thursday, December 9, 2010

Deb's Creations Boo & Snookie a note for you card

Good morning. It's been a while from my last Deb's Creations post. This time I made card with Boo & Snookie of the Emerald Faeries Collection. I actually did this card in a very late night on a weekend. That was the week when my cousins came to visit us from Hong Kong. I talked with them while making this card. It was a pretty quick card since I started to make it late, so can you imagine how focus I was, lol :op

Freshly Brewed Challenge #26 - Sparkle and shine
Paper Pretties Challenge - Punches
Craft your passion Challenge #35 - Anything Goes
TSG84 - Bring on the bling
ABC Challenge - J is for Jewels and gems

Here is my finished card.

Closer view of this image

Side view of this card

View of the inside

Thank you again for stopping by and hope to see you again soon :o)


Crystal said...

Cabio this is soooo darling, I just LOVE the colors you used, and all your details looks AMAZING!!! Another AWESOME card girl!

Tracey said...

This is beautiful. I just love the colors, the deocrated inside and the flower emblishment. Your attention to all detail is AWESOME!

Thanks for joining us at Fresh Brewed Challenges. Hope you will join us next time.


Anonymous said...

Sooooo cutie patooti!! I love how you decked out the inside!

Random Acts of Krafting said...

Boo and Snookie is my absolute favorite out of this new line. So cute, love the colors used Cabio. Thanks for the inspiration.

Riet said...

Beautiful card Cabio,I love the image and the colours.
So gorgeous papers.

Hugs Riet.x

Jolanda said...

Owwwww What a Cutie!!!! Stunning card Cabio....Just Gorgeous
Love the stamp!!!
Hugs Jolanda

Jacqueline (Sjakkie) said...

What a lovely card Cabio, so sweet and so wonderful! The image is very cute.
Hugs Jacqueline

Raf mama’s mini dingen said...

ohhhhso sweet the stamp and your collouring is zo great!!
hugs raffa

Beth aka BR-T said...

Cabio this is stupendous to say the least I love how your work is so precise detailed & meticulous!

debby4000 said...

Love your gorgeous card.

Anonymous said...

How adorable this is Cabio! Your coloring is fantastic as always my friend! I love this sweet scene and your embellishing is beautiful! So many wonderful details to look at! ;) hugs, Angela

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card.Love the colours and your colouring is fabulous.Thanks for joining us at Craft Your Passion :D
Lisa x

Unknown said...

Wow this is stunning inside and out love the colours and fantastic image.
Chris x

corinne said...

very nice ! thank you for joining us on our blog. good luck !

sallysbitz2 said...

This is just gorgeous xx
Love the colour combo x

Heather D. ~ Fresh Brewed Designs said...

What a fun and whimsical card. I love that green flower and the darling image. Beautiful bling!!! :)

Thanks for playing along at the Freshly Brewed Sparkle and Shine Challenge.

Magnolia (Edith) said...


Shelley said...

This is stunning! I love it. I'm amazed that you also decorate the inside, guess I'm just too beat by the time I actually finish the outside, lol. Truly fantastic.

Unknown said...

Thank you ever so much for joining us at Fresh brewed designs this week!
Lovely work!