Thursday, January 28, 2010

PDS Challenge #6 - 3D project

Good Thursday everyone. Today is my 16th year wedding anniversary. Wow I couldn't believe it's already 16 years and I haven't get tired yet with my hubby. Where did the time go? Well who knows?!

I've been busy for these past weeks. I couldn't even count how many projects I've made. All I can remember was that after I come home from work, I went straight down to my craftroom and work and work and work. Therefore, I have many posts in the line up to share with you for the next little while.

This time, I am posting an altered project for the Pixie Dust Studio Challenge #6. Our sweet Tammy is hosting this one and instead of making a card, she would like to challenge you to make a 3D project. My DT project this time is a note pad. I haven't use my 'Bind-it-all' for a while, so it gave me a good excuse to take it out again and use it.

I used the PDS Flutterby Friends image for this project.
Size & material info of this project:
2 pieces of 4" x 4" coasters (or cardboard)
2 pieces of 6"x 6" Designer/pattern paper to wrap the coasters
2 pieces of 3.75" x 3.75" Designer/Pattern paper (use a corner cutter to cut off each corner) to cover over each inside coaster piece.
Multiple pages of 3.75" x 3.5" inner white pages (cut whatever amount of pages as you wish, I cut out 35 pieces on this one). The top of 3.75" is for the spiral edge on top.

Here is the side view

Here is a shot when the pad is opened.

Thanks for looking and hope you can come by to the Pixie Dust Studio Challenge website to join us along!


Jaspere said...

This is wonderful. Love the colors you used and that cute, cute image.

Jane, at Thepaperaffair said...

Happy Wedding Anniversary, or Happy Sweet Sixteen! I do see you have been busy, putting the rest of us to shame are you?

This is such a cute little mini notebook, cute colors - great idea on this. TTYL, Jane

Kerri said...

Happy Anniversary, Cabio!!! 16 years! That's awesome! Your notebook is ADORABLE! Love the dp you used and that image is just too sweet! I need to pull out my bind it all sometime too ; )

Lana Clarke said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your Husband Cabio!
I adore your little memo holder it's so cute
Lana x

Juls said...

awhhhh!!!! This is just far to gorgeous!!! Love it! Hugs Juls

Denise said...

Such a pretty creation!! Love that adorbale image, you have just inspired me to make a project with my BIA today.
Aloha & Hugs,

Sammi said...

Great job altering the book! Looks awesome! Love that little deer on the front!

Angelwood said...

This is an adorable project, Cabio. Just love this sweet little image! hugs, Angela

Maylee said...

This is adorable Cabio! Love the soft colors!

Anonymous said...

Love it! Thanks for putting up the measurements in case I ever want to make one! I can't wait to see the other projects you have lined up.

cats whiskers said...

This is just a perfect clove the colours and great image
Hugs Jacqui x